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Faculty & Staff

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Pastor Robbie Asuncion

Pastor Robbie Asuncion

Administrator /
Senior Pastor / Bible Teacher


  • BA in Youth Ministry

  • MA in Pastoral Studies

  • Serving the Lord since 2003

  • 19 years with LBBCA

  • Spent most of elementary and high school in an all boys school

  • Can play the trumpet

Ma'am Edith Dela Cruz

Ms. Edith Dela Cruz

Academy Principal


  • Specialist in Educational Leadership

  • MA in Biblical Counseling

  • MA in Business Administration

  • BS Accountancy

  • Certified Public Accountant

  • 13 years with LBBCA

  • Enjoys boxing for fitness and health

  • Bitten by a dog …three times

Professor Claudette Tandoc

Prof. Claudette Tandoc



  • BA in Psychology, La Salle

  • Master in Family Life and Child Development, UP

  • Doctoral Program-In Progress

  • 23 years of teaching experience

  • College Professor

  • Resource Person for Wyeth Philippines

Pastor Greg Tancongco

Pastor Greg Tancongco

Assistant Pastor / Bible Teacher


  • Master in Pastoral Theology, 2017

  • Bachelor of Theology, 1992

  • Bachelor of Religious Education, 1990

  • Mayapa Mission Outreach, 2011-2017

  • Jail Ministry, 2014-2017

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Teacher Celia Maling

Mrs. Celia Maling, LPT


High School Supervisor / English Teacher


  • 19 years teaching experience

  • 20th year with LBBCA

  • Master of Education with Specialization in English—in progress

  • Two of her children who graduated from LBBCA are now both professionals.

Ma'am Kristen Asuncion

Mrs. Kristen Asuncion, LPT


Writing & Speech Teacher


  • 19 years teaching experience

  • 14 years with LBBCA

  • BS in Secondary Education—Speech Education

  • MA in Dramatic Productions 

  • Broke her back in rock climbing

  • Once stranded in on island overnight during a typhoon 

Teacher Largyn Amelo

Mr. Largyn Amelo, LPT


High School Supervisor/Social Studies

and P.E. Teacher


  • 19 years teaching experience

  • 14th year with LBBCA

  • Master in Education—in Progress

  • Bachelor of Secondary Education—Social Studies 

  • Doane Baptist Seminary—Christian Life Certificate

  • Loves history but he loves most the God of history!

Teacher Jonalyn Amelo

Mrs. Jonalyn Amelo, LPT


Intermediate Supervisor / Math Teacher


  • 19 years teaching experience

  • 15th year with LBBCA

  • Bachelor of Elementary Education—Mathematics 

  • Served as a short-term missionary teacher to Sabah, Malaysia in 2010

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Teacher Rachel Robles

Mrs. Rachel Robles, LPT


Primary Supervisor


  • 7 years teaching experience

  • 8th year with LBBCA

  • Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

  • Loves and enjoys preparing delicious and healthy food for her children!

  • Her son graduated from LBBCA

  • Her daughter is currently attending LBBCA

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Teacher Eugene Bello

Ms. Eugene Bello


Kindergarten Teacher


  • 4 years teaching experience

  • Certificate in Teaching Early Childhood Learners - Basic and Advanced Course – De Lasalle University-Dasmarinas

  • Bachelor of Education Studies – UP Open University in progress

  • BS Social Science 4th year UP Baguio

  • Her daughter is currently attending LBBCA

Teacher Kathleen Kung

Mrs. Kathleen Kung

-De Guzman, LPT


Early Childhood Education Consultant


  • HarvardX — Certificate in Leaders of Learning

  • De La Salle University — Masters of Arts in Education,

  • Major in Educational Leadership and Management

  • De La Salle University — Bachelor of Science degree in Education, Major in Early Childhood

  • Bob Jones Memorial Bible College — Certificate of Christian Training

  • 7 years teaching experience

  • Besides being a preschool teacher, she once had the desire to become an interior designer

  • Cleans the bathroom when upset

Teacher Stan Elazegui

Mr. Stanley Ace Elazegui


Music and P.E. Teacher


  • 13 years teaching experience

  • 7th year with LBBCA

  • Associate in Church Music—Voice Concentration (BJMBC)

  • Enjoys teaching more than performing

  • Loves chili so much that he put it sometimes on iced tea

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Kuya Jun Oplida

Kuya Jun


General Services


  • 29 years with LBBC/LBBCA

  • iPhone, iPad, iWatch user

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